Category #6 webpage designs

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Category #6 webpage designs

#1 Post by Hartzell »


公認的國籍是一切 “人權” 的基礎 .

Based on the content of many United Nations conventions on human rights, as well as the San Francisco Peace Treaty of April 28, 1952, which ended WWII in the Pacific, many living in Taiwan believe that their nationality should be “Taiwan” rather than the “Republic of China.”

基於美日太平洋戰爭後舊金山和平條約以及聯合國許多有關人權的公約,很多住在台灣的人認為自己的國籍應該是台灣Taiwan而不是中華民國Republic of China。

(After all, Taiwan was not awarded to the Republic of China in the treaty.) (畢竟,舊金山和平條約並沒有把臺灣之領土主權過戶給中國。)

But Taiwan's current passport design, with the words “Republic of China” prominently displayed on the cover, has complicated the Taiwan people’s search for a national identity.


Not surprisingly, many Taiwan people have submitted Letters to the Editor of many leading Taiwan publications, saying when they fill out relevant application forms when overseas, whether in elementary school, middle school, high school, college, commercial institutes, they indicate their nationality as "Taiwan", but are often denied this appellation because of their passport, ID card, National Health Insurance card, driver’s license, etc. are marked as “China” or “Republic of China”.

毫不驚訝的,很多台灣人曾經投書給報章雜誌說:他們到海外讀書時填寫相關申請資料時,不管是小學、中學、高中、大學、研究所等,他們都寫「台灣」為國籍,但是常常被校方拒絕,因為他們所提供的護照、身份證、甚至駕駛執照等都寫China (中華民國)。

Under such circumstances, the only correct translation appears to be to say this this person’s nationality is “Chinese.”


This sort of difficulty has caused a lot of problems. Of course, a suitable solution to this problem could be found by first making a clear determination of ROC/Taiwan's international legal status. The question which must be answered is: Is Taiwan a part of the national territory of the Republic of China?

這類的 “國籍認定” 問題是令人很困擾的。當然,唯一解決的方法是要百分之百的確定中華民國在台灣的國際地位。要答覆的問題是:臺灣到底是否屬於中華民國的國家領土?

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Posts: 320
Joined: Thu May 16, 2013 9:15 am

Re: Category #6 webpage designs

#2 Post by Hartzell »

= = = TRAVEL DOCUMENTS ISSUED BY A SOVEREIGN STATE = = = Chinese version = = =

In the source code of -- ... index.html

The line -- ... 5/yt-e.png

should be changed to -- ... v/yt-e.png

Then the words --
, Part 1
should be removed

Then also add in the yt-c.png graphic, so I assume that will become --
<p class="centerAlign">
<a target="_blank" href=""><img src=" ... v/yt-e.png" alt="Youtube video" /><br /><strong>Video</strong></a>
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
<a target="_blank" href=""><img src=" ... v/yt-c.png" alt="Youtube video" /><br /><strong>Video</strong></a>

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