

自1972/02/28起,美國在 "美中三個公報" 中一再提及:
"The U.S. side declared: The United States acknowledges that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China. The United States Government does not challenge that position."

2007/08/30白宮國安會亞洲事務資深資深主任韋德寧 (Dennis Wilder, National Security Council senior director for Asian Affairs) 在白宮簡報會上回答記者詢問時表示:
"Membership in the United Nations requires statehood. Taiwan, or the Republic of China, is not at this point a state in the international community, …… "



這是保護台灣同時也是替美國 "美中三個公報" 解套的終極法寶。


敬請 全世界愛台灣的鄉親們熱情響應。

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台灣這塊土地是全體台灣人所擁有,誰都不能自台灣人手上奪走,台灣主體意識是台灣人賴以維生的靈魂,崇尚自由、民主、人權是台灣人追求的目標。美日太平洋戰爭中,美軍解放了台灣,依照美國憲法、海牙第四公約(1907年)和舊金山和平條約(1952年),美國軍事政府暫時握有台灣澎湖地區的管轄權,台灣國際地位已經明確。【台灣地位宣言】 www.taiwanadvice.com/declarrch.htm 公佈於二零零六年三月二十九日,林志昇等於二零零六年十月二十四日向華盛頓特區聯邦法院提出控訴美國政府,【Roger C. S. Lin v. USA, Civil Action No.06-1825(RMC)】業經審理在案,懇請所有台灣人支持本連署『我們是台灣人』活動,讓台灣早日脫離中國文攻武嚇與飛彈威脅,在美國輔導下,根據國際法及戰爭法建立台灣人美麗和平的國家。

 I am a Taiwanese and not a Chinese
Petition Drive

The land in Taiwan belongs to the Taiwanese people, and of course no one can run them off of this land or confiscate it without due compensation. In their search for freedom, democracy, and human rights, a strong sense of Taiwanese consciousness is important to the Taiwanese people. As we know, during WWII in the Pacific, US military troops liberated Taiwan. According to the war powers in the US Constitution, the Hague Convention IV of 1907, and the San Francisco Peace Treaty of 1952, the United States Military Government (USMG) temporarily holds the jurisdictional powers over Taiwan, and this is the truth of Taiwan's international legal status. The "Declaration of the Taiwan Status" www.taiwanadvice.com/declare.htm was promulgated on March 29, 2006, and then on Oct. 24, 2006, Dr. Roger C. S. Lin filed suit against the United States government in the US District Court for the District of Columbia. We urge everyone to support this "I am a Taiwanese and not a Chinese" petition drive, so that Taiwan may be removed from the threat of Chinese aggression at an early date, and the Taiwanese can build a beautiful and peaceful new national life for themselves under US administrative authority.

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